The 2nd Transforming Leadership Summit, organized in cooperation with EKONOMİ Newspaper and PwC, brought together the leading names of the business world. At the summit, how to transform in the era of multiple crises, and the risks and opportunities in front of leaders in this process were discussed. In the panels and sessions organized, seminal speeches were made focusing on technology and the green economy.
Sabancı Holding was the main sponsor of the summit, with Yıldız Holding as event sponsor; Hepsiburada and Re-Pie Protföy as session sponsors; Arnica,, Ege Yapı, Gülman Group, İskur, Royal Group of Companies and TAV Airports as support sponsors; and PwC, Rönesans Energy, Trendyol, Yayla and Elite World Hotel & Resorts as special sponsors.
New Address for Money
There are many funds to invest in the world
Zirvede moderatörlüğünü Ekonomi Gazetesi Girişimcilik Editörü Selenay Yağcı’nın yaptığı “Paranın Yeni Adresi” konulu panel düzenlendi. Panelin konuşmacıları arasında Re-Pie Portföy Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Vekili Mehmet Ali Ergin, 212 Kurucu Ortağı Ali Karabey ve Gülman Group Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Polat Gülman yer aldı.
Investing in innovative technologies through funding
Gulman Group Management Board Chairman Of Polat Gulman: We recently adopted the UN principles of sustainable development and looked at what we could do to make business life as sustainable as human relations. We invested in renewable energy. We have GES facilities. After that came the venture capital business. Turks have an entrepreneurial spirit, but since they did not have much capital accumulation, no environment encouraged investment in areas that seemed risky. But we preferred to invest in funds. We invest in innovative technologies through funds. Moving forward through funds in businesses we do not know is much healthier. It passes through their filter. We invested in both renewable energy and venture capital funds under the name of sustainability. We have also invested abroad under real estate, as a partner in a publicly traded company in Sweden that operates dormitories. Housing is a critical area in real estate. The need for modern housing was very well organized there.